
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

26th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

Liam James Payne. I hated that name. Whenever I hear his name, it makes me so angry. Why do I hate him? Good question. I don't even know why I hate him. I just hate him. He makes me sick in the stomach. The thought of him being in the same class angered me. I just flacking hate Liam even though he did nothing wrong. Or maybe, I just wanted to be loved.

Yes. You are right, I bully Liam. I made his life in school tough. Every time I see him walking in front of me, I will stop him and rip his school uniform. I demanded money from him each time he comes to school. I made him do my homework. I punched him in the stomach each time I'm angry. He was like my punching bag. I tore his school books. I crushed his homework. I vandalized his locker saying 'I'm stupid' I called him stupid, i called him gay, i called him ugly. Yes, i did all that. Once, i even cut his hair, making it look so ugly. He was a joke in the school. I took his lunch away from him and even purposely tripping him. Liam James Payne, the victim of bullying.

However, Liam still stayed strong and attended school even if he was being bullied badly. He acted tough and plastered a smile across his face each time he comes to school. He works hard each day in school and is always the top student in the school. Yet, he is still being bullied and teachers can't do anything about it. Yes,that's how bad bullying is in our school.

It was a Saturday morning and I was surfing the net. And as usual, visiting YouTube and watching those pointless videos. My heart almost stopped when I saw a YouTube video which was named 'Stop Bullying' Curious, I clicked on the video and watched it. My heart broke into a million pieces. Yes, it was a suicide video Liam recorded.

In his video, he wrote different sentence on different note cards. 'You see me smiling right? Do you think i'm happy? No, i'm not. I hate myself. I don't know why people hate me so much. They call me ugly, stupid and took my lunch away. They ripped my school shirt and they vandalized my locker. They took my money away and I always have to starve myself. It hurts. In this video, I just wanted to say, I'm sorry Mum & Dad. I love you guys but I guess it's best for me to end my life. It not worth living for, it hurts. Stop bullying. Bye guys'

I found myself crying so badly. Liam is attempting to commit suicide all thanks to me. I got to do something, I must do something. Without further hesitation, I dashed out from my house and ran across the street, heading to Liam's house. I was praying it will not be too late for me to apologize. Once I reached his house, I continuously knocked on the door, still weeping. My heart beat was racing. I was praying that Liam was still inside.

Luck was on my side. Liam unlocked the door. He looked so weak and his eyes were swollen. He tried to smile and said 'Here's all my money. Don't bully the other student. Take all my money.' He then handed me his wallet. I cried looking at how thoughtful he was.

'I don't want your money. I came here to apologize. I'm so sorry for bullying you. I saw your video and I don't want you to go, Liam. Truth is, I really like you and I wanted you to love me back. The only way for me to touch you, to hear your voice is by bullying you. I know I don't have the chance to even talk to you if I didn't bully you. You won't even look at me even if I talk to you. Forgive me Liam' I said,still crying so badly. I lean in for a hug and I could feel his arms wrapping around my body, making me feel so calm and warm.

'I'm sorry. It's my fault. The only reason why I don't want to reply to your questions is because, I'm afraid I'll sound stupid. You make my heart race, you gave butterflies in my stomach. Your smile sends chill down my spine. Your voice gave me goosebumps. That's the reason why I don't want to reply to you. I let you hit me so I can feel the warmth of your body. I let you called me stupid so I can hear your sweet voice. I let you take my money so that you can buy all the things you ever wanted. Truth is, I love you' Liam said as he kissed my forehead.

I was crying in his arms,hugging him even tighter than before. I'm glad I was in time to apologize and save his life.

'Will you be mine?' Liam said as he hold both my hand tightly.

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