
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

26th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

The time on my digital watch shows '9.00' It was exactly 9 in the morning. The weather today was perfect for me to go for a jog in the park. And afterwards, I'll be making my way to the gym. I put on my Nike pink singlet together with a black Nike tights. I had my ear piece on and blasted the song 'Stereo Hearts'.

I jogged around my park for 2 rounds and decided to head to the gym. The gym was rather deserted today. Not many people were in the gym today. I entered the gym and decided to go for the treadmills. I slowly jogged on the treadmill. After doing so, I deiced to take a rest and watch the others work out. I sat in the corner and observed people working out while moving to the beat , party rock anthem.

I lowered the volume down when I noticed a dude wearing a white tight singlet which reveals his abs sitting next to me. He was wearing a Nike pants together with a Nike shoe. His face attracted me instantly. He has the most wonderful smile and his hair was amazing. Yes, curls. I love guy with curls. He looks so perfect and I hope he is single though!

'Uh....Hi' He said as he turned to look at me. I took my earpiece out and faced him/ 'Uh. Hi?' I answered. He gave me a wide smile which sends chill down my spine. 'I'm Harry' He introduced. I smiled and introduced my self. 'And I'm Sarah. Uh , nice meeting you'

'My pleasure to meet you too. Have anyone told you, you have such beautiful eyes? I get lost in your eyes. You are so so beautiful.' He said with a cheeky smile. 'Uh.okay?' I replied, awkward. I was actually afraid. 'You don't have to be afraid yano? I just wanna be friends and maybe we could be more than friends?' Harry whispered and winked.

I smiled and he lean in for a hug. 'Watch me work out, babe' He said vainly. He then carried the dumbbell and started working out. I was literally gasping for air, watching his huge muscles work. Amazing body.

After he was done with his work out, he pulled me up and gave me a kiss on my cheek. 'You, me, my house, tonight?' He said cheekily as he wrap his arms around my waist.

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