
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

26th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

The heat of the sun was unbearable. It was a Sunday afternoon and my friends and I were at the beach. I was sweating constantly and I had to wipe my perspiration every now and then. We decided to have a girls day you and have a game of volleyball at the beach.

I was in a pair of shorts and I had my Mickey mouse singlet on. The girls started off the volleyball game first. I decided to take a stroll along the beach. Well, I love the beach and I wanted to take some time off to reflect on my life. I was walking on the shore when I got hit by a soccer ball on my head.

'Ouch!' I screamed. Yes, it really hurt. It must have been from a guy's kick cause the impact was really hard. 'Urghhh!' I said in frustration. I rubbed the back of my head and turned around to see the most beautiful guy standing infront of me. He was 175cm tall and he has the most beautiful eyes ever. He was in a black singlet, showing of his muscles & abs. He wore a while Billabong pants. I was stunned. He was so beautiful.

'Uh Hi. Sorry!' he said as he looked at me. I ignored him. 'You alright?' He asked, worried. I nodded my head and walked away. He followed me. 'Wait ....' He said as he pull my right arm. I turn around to face him and this time,he was staring deep into my brown eyes. He let go of the grip and smiled. 'Hi. I'm Louis. I'm so sorry about just now. Can we start anew?' He asked with a warm smile. I smiled and nodded my head. 'Yeah sure! & I'm Amy. Nice meeting you' I replied.

'You are so beautiful' Louis blurted out as he run his fingers through my long blonde hair. I smiled. I could feel my cheeks turning red. He complimented me and I am so happy!

'Let's have dinner today? I'll pick you up at 7. & this is my number. Text me babe. See you' Louis said as he waved to me goodbye.

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