
Adriana. · @ZaynMPrincess

26th Feb 2012 from Twitlonger

Niall James Horan. A boy who brings so much impact to my life. The boy who stole my heart with just one look. The boy who gave me butterflies in my stomach. The Irish boy with a beautiful smile. Yes, that's my man, Niall Horan.

But, being a normal teenage girl, I have my insecurities. I get easily jealous when I see Niall hanging out with his group of girl-friends. How can I not be jealous? My man is perfect, too perfect I must say. I get moody for no reason at all. And sometimes, I even vent out my anger on Niall. But did Niall gave up on me? No, he didn't. Infact, he still shower me with his unconditional love. He told me I was beautiful even if I was in pajamas. And each time I vent out my anger on him, he would just pull me in and hug me till I calm down. He is just the one for me. But, I just can't see that he is the one for me.

He gave in to every fight we had. He took silly pictures with me. He tells me I'm beautiful. He showers me with his care and love. He had never ever gave up on me. He calls me every night just to sing me to sleep. He calls me every morning just to say 'Good morning beautiful. See you later' I am just an ungrateful girl. I really am.

-22 February 2012-

I was lazing around in my living room, munching on potato chips & watching the television when suddenly my phone vibrated.

'Who could it be?' I thought. I took my phone from the table and sat back on the couch. Niall's name appeared on the screen.

-Text message-

Niall: Hello love. Good morning. :') See you in the park in 5 minutes. Love you! :')

My heart beat faster when I received his text. Of course I love Niall. But I just don't know how to show it. Each time I try to show my love for him, I hurt him a little more. I hate myself,you know? I really do. I got ready and jogged to the park. And as expected, Niall was there, sitting on the brown bench, looking at the birds.

I secretly got behind him and closed his eyes. 'Guess who?' I whispered. 'My princess, obviously' Niall replied and he laughed. His whole face turned red as he pull me to sit on his lap. Both of us remained quiet. Niall then took me by my hand and forced a smile. He look so sick. He looked pale and is eyes were watery. His hands were as cold as ice. 'Babe, listen to me' Niall said as our fingers interlocked. I nodded my head.

'Let's play this game. Let's try to ignore each other for 2 days. And if you manage to do that, I'll give you 20 kisses each day! How does that sound?' Niall asked, playfully. I smiled and answered 'easy job! Of course i can ignore you. But i'll miss you. I love you so much babe, even if i keep hurting you' Niall teared and he stroke his thumb on my left cheek. 'I know babe. I love you so much too. So i shall see you in 2 days time!' Niall replied and lean in for a hug. He gave me a tight hug and whispered 'I love you so much. Even if I was no longer in this world, look after yourself'

Niall always told me that. So, it's already a normal thing for me. The days went by slowly. I miss Niall actually but i was determined to ignore him so i can get my kisses!

-Next 2 days-

I woke up early and got ready. I was excited to meet Niall. I miss him so much! I wore my pink skirt together with a black singlet and walked towards Niall's house. I dashed towards his house when I noticed that his door was wide open.

My heart broke into million pieces when I saw Niall lying on the floor,motionless. His eyes were closed but he had a smile on his face. I found a note on is right hand. 'You did it for 2 days babe! So, can you do it for the rest of your life now?' I immediately break down when I read the note.

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