
corobi_oki · @corobi_oki

21st Dec 2011 from Twitama

先RTのTripoliLocalCouncil 英訳Twまとめ

بعض المقتطفات من حديث ضيوف ندوة أمن العاصمة

Tripoli security committee:

Unfortunately, the Libyan police force lost much of its respect, because ppl felt that it is allied with regime

Thankfully, the importance of police is starting to be appreciated again and they are slowly returning to work

Over 85% of the police workforce pre-liberation (6500) has returned to work and is being re-organized

Working with the ministry of justice, there are efforts to get police stations and courts operational again

The MoJ managed to salvage files on 16,000 criminals that Gaddafi let go prior to liberation.

Some of these criminals have weapons, and some of them are even pretending to be FF, with their own brigades.

The files will be thoroughly examined and all (ex-)prisoners will be dealt with in legal matter through MoJ

Since August 20th there have been 345 injuries due to falling bullets. 17 armed robberies. 45 attacks on police

Since August 20th there have been 96 murders due to the abundance of weapons. This must change.

The stability and security of the capital Tripoli is a role model for all other cities. People mst work w/police


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