
Ahmad · @ahmad8710

10th May 2011 from Twitlonger

يرجى الذهاب إلى هذه الصفحة في موقع الفيفا ووضع الرسالة

كما يرجى النشر في المواقع و المنتديات


Dear President Blatter,

The purpose of writing this letter to you is to inform you that the International and Club players of Bahrain are threatened and are in danger. The news to the football fans are devastating, as we hear daily of arrests of players that have peacefully protested in the Athletes Protests. More than 150 athletes have been arrested so far, ranging from players, coaches, managers and heads of clubs. Some players were moved from the first squad to the second squad, and some were even fired from their jobs. According to Human Right First organization that "Several athletes have been arrested, including four members of the national soccer team-Alaa Hubail and Mohammed Hubail, Abbas Ayaad and Mohamad Sayed Adnan".

I don’t know how much are you are aware of the situation in Bahrain, as not only people are being arrested, but also tortured to the point of death. We are hearing news of torture among those who were detained, and until now we haven’t received any confirmation or update from Bahrain Football Association. The detainees are not allowed to have any form of contact with their families, and we have no means of contacting them to find their health status, the situation is very worrying and it is escalating everyday.

Those athletes have every right of freedom of speech, and we currently witness those rights being taken from them, and those who displayed any public opinion are hunted down and brutally treated, it is becoming clear that athletes are prosecuted also in the absence of accusation of crimes but simply on the basis of voicing their opinions in public.

As the President of FIFA, I kindly request your investigation in the brutality of which Bahraini athletes are being treated, it would be necessary to apply as much pressure as possible, such as making it publicly known around the world that the FIFA investigating the situation on an emergency basis, thus your attention to this case is highly appreciated.

Thank you

Bahraini Football Fans Club

Some links and reports about the subject from international media:





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