
rnahunter · @rnahunter

5th May 2011 from Twitlonger



AnnexG p121
In the Oxford Survey of Childhood Cancers, a statistically
significant 40% increase in the childhood leukaemia rate (up
to 15 years of age) has been seen following doses of
10-20 mGy (low-LET).

AnnexG p120
when children would have received a dose
from fallout of about 1.5 mSv, compared with the adjacent
“medium” exposure period, when the dose received would
have been about 0.5 mSv (relative risk for ages 0 14 years
is 1.07; 95% CI: 1.00 1.14). These data are consistent
with a relative risk of 1.03 predicted with the BEIR V
leukaemia model


AnnexD p173
Because radiation doses were very low (median dose was
less than 10 mGy), the statistical power of the analyses was
diminished [U1]. The authors concluded that “this study
provides no convincing evidence of an increased risk of
childhood leukaemia as a result of exposure to Chernobyl

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